Residencies & Workshops

Claire is constantly researching concepts and techniques that enrich her work

Claire cutting the wood block for printing

Claire cutting the wood block for printing

2018 Mokuhanga Workshop Tokyo, Japan

In 2018 Claire again travelled to Japan, this time for a five day Mokuhanga workshop (Japanese woodblock printing) with Japanese Mokuhanga master, Tetsuo Soyama and MI-Lab at cfSHE gallery.


Claire hanging handmade washi paper to dry at the Awagami factory”

Claire hanging handmade washi paper to dry at the Awagami factory”

2015 Residency - Awagami Washi Paper Factory, Japan

In 2015 Claire won a grant to go to Japan for six weeks where she did an intensive workshop and residency at the Awagami Washi Paper Factory on the remote and beautiful Shikoku Island.


Claire researching in the Lepidoptera collection at the Natural History Museum of Basel

Claire researching in the Lepidoptera collection at the Natural History Museum of Basel

2012 Residency - Museum of Natural History Basel and Basel Paper Museum, Switzerland

In 2012 Claire won a mid-career fellowship to go to Basel, Switzerland where she had a three-month residency with the Basel Natural History Museum and the Basel Paper Mill.